Celebrating 13 Students Completing the Mercy Works iCAN Robotics Program

As the modern workforce increasingly turns toward STEM careers, Mercy Works created the iCAN Robotics program to expose young inventors, ages 10-16, to the intricate and detailed world of STEM through educational robotics. By building and programming robots, students are able to develop vital cognitive skills and see the impact technology plays on society and future career opportunities. 

We are very proud of the hard work and dedication our latest class of students put into learning the different functions of robots using the Lego Mindstorm software. Please join us in congratulating our 13 iCAN Robotics graduates:

⭐️ Kenzo Briant

⭐️ Skylar Davis

⭐️ Shaver Elrahman

⭐️ Shazarie Floyd

⭐️ Shazod Floyd

⭐️ Cedric Harper Jr. 

⭐️ Elohim Jackson 

⭐️ Latori Jackson

⭐️ Josiah Pierre

⭐️ Shane Rudolph 

⭐️ Tristan Seward

⭐️ Pierre Simmons

⭐️ Preston Simmons

By completing iCAN, these students are better prepared for the future due to the benefits of learning robotics at an early age. Robotics may sound too heavy and challenging for young learners, but educational robotics has enormous potential as a learning tool to teach creative thinking, problem-solving, and STEM concepts in real-world applications (Pundir, 2021).

These hands-on, minds-on activities help students understand how STEM is useful in their world and make connections to careers they may not have considered (Reddy, 2021). The need for technology experts, computer programmers, and software engineers is increasing. Modern companies have complicated technology-based systems and look for graduates with STEM skills (Wise, 2022). Exposing kids to robotics while they are young opens them up to a whole new technological world. 

Robotics for kids is mostly about the joy of creating something new, but the positive learning outcomes make iCAN Robotics, along with all other programs at Mercy Works, valuable education to provide to our young leaders. We encourage you to join us in seeing the excitement on our kids faces when they learn a new essential skill. Please consider volunteering for one of our many programs like iCAN to give back to the kids in our community. Our future belongs to our young problem solvers and change makers. 


Pundir, P. (2021, April 2). Top 5 Reasons Why Every Child Should Learn Robotics in 2023. Moonpreneur. Retrieved February 28, 2023, from https://moonpreneur.com/blog/why-children-should-learn-robotics/

Reddy, P. (2021, November 12). Benefits of Learning Robotics at a Young Age. Codingal. Retrieved February 28, 2023, from https://www.codingal.com/coding-for-kids/blog/robotics-for-kids/

Wise, R. (2022, July 31). 6 Benefits of Teaching Robotics to Elementary School Students. Education and Behavior. Retrieved February 28, 2023, from https://educationandbehavior.com/the-benefits-of-including-robotics-in-childrens-education/

Nati Torrence